Sewing Room Tour Part 6

At some point, I'm going to have to talk about my pressing station in my sewing room. I was hoping my pressing station and iron would be updated by the time I wrote this post so I could talk about how much I love it all. However, I can only talk about my upgrade plans... Continue Reading →

Sewing Room Tour Part 5

I appreciate the view from my sewing space and the small nook where I organize my notions. The power pole is where my feathered friends constantly visit. They often distract me from getting work done. We live near a migratory bird refugee and the field there is teeming with delicious bugs and mice, so it... Continue Reading →

Sewing Room Tour Part 4

My cutting table is no longer located in my sewing room but is located downstairs in our kitchen. Our second floor really should be called "k-living-tchen" since our living room, kitchen, and dining area are all in one big room. Originally this table was designed to be large enough for cutting and then my three... Continue Reading →

Sewing Room Tour Part 3

Fabric Stash and Organization I have a closet in my sewing room that is vastly underused. My fabric stash and some other odds and ends are kept in bins in the closet. The SAMLA boxes (12 gallons) work great for holding fabric and are useful with the rest of my IVAR shelving around the house.... Continue Reading →

Sewing Room Tour Part 2

Digital Pattern Organization I'm not the type of sewer that collects patterns. I buy only when I need something, and chances are I will purchase digitally. I don't love taping together patterns, and waiting for a copy shop version isn't always ideal, but I really don't like tissue patterns. Tissue paper is just an extra... Continue Reading →

Sewing Room Tour Part 1

Organizing Pattern Pieces Shelving I've had several requests over the years to give a tour of my sewing space and I have finally come up with a way that for me feels appropriate. You will come to realize very quickly, I am organized and don't have a lot of extra stuff around. My sewing space... Continue Reading →

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